
The school leader visited the military training freshmen

来源: Release time: 2024-09-26 12:28 Number of hits: Views

9月25-26日,Shenzhen University党委书记李清泉,校长毛军发,副校长李永华、汪永成等校领导先后到粤海、丽湖两校区看望慰问2024级军训新生。The school party and government office, the Party Committee organization United Front Work Department, the Party Committee Propaganda Department, the Student Department, the Armed Forces Department, the Lihu Campus management Office and other relevant persons in charge of functional departments and the political commissars of the first, second and third military training groups accompanied the visit。

"Three self students, standing as a green pine, keeping the law, potential like a strong wind!""Liyuan students, iron and steel forging, brave to shoulder the burden, strive for first-class!"In Liyuan in September, the flowing fan painting has created a unique landscape, and the slogan of military training freshmen is overwhelming。25th afternoon,Li Qingquan, Li Yonghua and their party to the Lihu campus to fast stadium, gymnasium, volleyball court, basketball court and other training venues,Understand the training situation of the third Military Training Regiment,Listen to the report of the temporary Party branch of the third military training Regiment to carry out micro party lessons,And cordial condolences to the participating freshmen, training instructors, leading teachers and staff。On the training ground, the new army looks neat, the posture is tall and straight, and it is still tall and sharp in the hot sun。Li Qingquan appreciated the high morale and youthful style of the new students, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the training instructors and leading teachers who had worked hard。

26日,毛军发、汪永成一行到粤海校区田径场、南区体育馆,了解军训一团、二团训练进展,为新生、承训教官等送上亲切的问候。新生们规范的军姿、整齐划一的步伐展现了团结一致、积极向上的精神面貌,毛军发、汪永成不禁竖起大拇指表示赞赏。"I am very relieved and happy to see such a well-trained team。”毛军发与新生们分享自己在中国人民解放军国防科技大学读书时的经历,“我的终身遗憾之一就是没有参加军训,因为当时军校是不用军训的。I envy you guys for having this experience。”毛军发希望新生们珍惜军训时光,淬炼自我,既要保持体格硬朗,又要坚持学习知识,做到“文武双全”。"Together we are all warriors.",Our team is one big warm family!",Through military training to gain both mental and physical improvement,Develop good qualities that will last a lifetime,Meet the university life with a new mental outlook and firm faith。"I am sure that you will often recall this wonderful experience in the future!"。

The school leaders also highly affirmed the innovative highlight of this year's military training - the military training wisdom management system jointly developed by the School of Computer and Software, the Information Center and the Ministry of Armed Forces。The system through the deep version of enterprise wechat military training related applications,It can grasp all kinds of military training status data of students in real time,It has improved the perception and handling ability of the armed forces Department and the military training corps to all kinds of military training incidents,It also makes it easier for the instructor to save more time down the company,To get to know the students,We will do a good job in ideological and political education,Through "military training information" and "military training wisdom" to better achieve the quality and efficiency of school military training management。

During this year's military training, the first "National Defense Culture Festival" of Shenzhen University was opened at Yuanping Gymnasium on the Yuehai Campus。The cultural festival has 13 areas including UAV exhibition area, aircraft carrier formation exhibition area, land war formation exhibition area, aviation and aerospace exhibition area, military engine exhibition area, joint operations exhibition area, military situation exhibition area, individual equipment exhibition area, simulated flight experience, military knowledge exhibition area, simulated shooting experience area, light weapons experience area and military subject exhibition area,Let teachers and students through the visit and experience,A deep understanding of the core position of "the weight of the nation and the strength of the military" in national security and development。

(Party Committee Propaganda Department reporter Yang Linqian Qiu Qian Yuan Yuan)

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